
Showing posts from September, 2009

BISS Keys RTM – Measat 3

Ini buat teman-teman yang masih sering nanyain biss key buat RTM, padahal keys nya udah pernah diposting di halaman awal topik Biss Keys kok. Biar lebih jelas, nih tak posting ulang: Measat 3 - 91,5° E 3876 V 12525 123456789ABC Tuk Softcam: Biss Key RTM2 : F 00021FFF 00 1234569C789ABCCE Biss Key RTM 2 Feed (Muzik Aktif) F 00041FFF 00 1234569C789ABCCE Enjoy!

Contact Me

Buat teman-teman yang ingin kontak langsung ke email saya (insyaAllah pasti saya baca, kebetulan saya akhir-akhir ini juga lebih rutin ngecek email), silakan gunakan form contact berikut ini (pastikan email yang teman-teman gunakan adalah email yang valid agar bisa saya reply langsung ke email teman-teman): Terima Kasih

Happy 2-nd Anniversary Forum Satelit

Selamat Ulang Tahun yang ke-2 buat Forum Satelit . Selamat buat teman-teman Forsatter semuanya yang selama ini telah meramaikan diskusi di Forum Satelit, you’re all the soul of the forum guys. Nonetheless, always stick together and build the forum to be one of the source of information especially on digital television arena. Buat teman-teman moderator: Pak Daeng, Bro Dark, Bro Sk8, Pak Arif, Pak Juan, Bro Tark, Bro Qyai, thanks udah berusaha keras selama ini dalam memajukan Forum Satelit sehingga tetap bertahan sampe sekarang di usianya yang ke-2 tahun. Buat teman-teman forsatter lainnya: bro eL, bro adef, bro Maldini, bro Sifa, bro luky, bro erem, bro Udin, Pak Nuel, bro jefcrew, bro kempor, bro Denie_Artha, Pak carik_ndhut/jo_han, bro edoezha, bro Hencha Samawa, bro doddy, bro sangkuriang, bro yoppie, bro serudo,  Pak glen_dot, bro Hamzah, bang @dhitya, Pak MGIN (ginting), Pak hans_aja, bro sampan, Pak guru risal.maros, bro Ibani_neo, dan seluruh teman-teman forsatter lainnya ya

Indonesia’s Palapa-D satellite is working

At last, we can take a free breath, our Indonesia's Palapa D is now working. I take this article as my reference. Have a read! Palapa-D is working ‘nominally’, which is satellite-speak for all is OK, as far as its builders are concerned. A statement issued Sept 2 by Thales Alenia Space said the satellite’s signals have been picked up by their Earth station at Fucino, Italy. However, the likelihood is that there will be some sort of insurance claim from the satellite’s owners – which for the moment is Thales itself. Which is not to say there’s not work still to be done. Thales Alenia’s engineers have now to remotely reconfigure the Indosat craft’s on-board computers to gently push Palapa-D into its correct orbit. “Thales Alenia Space and Indosat are proceeding to necessary maneuvers in order to optimize and reconfigure the flight plan from its lower than expected transfer orbit into a geostationary orbit,” said their statement. However, the indication that the satellite is per

AsiaSat 5 Spacecraft Separation Successfully Completed

(Photo courtesy of International Launch Services) Hong Kong, 12 August 2009 – AsiaSat 5, a new generation communications satellite of Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited (AsiaSat), was launched at Hong Kong Time 3:47:33 a.m. on the 12th August on an ILS Proton launch vehicle from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. 9 hours and 15 minutes after liftoff, AsiaSat 5 successfully separated from the launch vehicle. AsiaSat in Hong Kong has acquired the first signals from the satellite. Over the next few days, the satellite will arrive at the geostationary orbit, some 36,000 km above the Equator. “We are extremely pleased that AsiaSat 5 has successfully completed this stage of the launch. We gratefully thank our partners - International Launch Services, Khrunichev and Space Systems/Loral for their diligence, dedication and professionalism that contribute to this launch success,” said Peter Jackson, Chief Executive Officer of AsiaSat. “We loo

Hadu - CCCam Client for Windows

Thinking of a CCCam Client for Windows DVB Player applications, then you may think of having Hadu as the best of all CCCam Client ever. To say, this plugin has a really fast decoding process to show you then the clear picture as long as the server runs smoothly of course. When using Hadu, please make sure to disable the other plugins, to be sure that all the process is concentrated to Hadu especially the internet connection. And make sure you don't use double account from the same server. For you to know, all C: line or any other sharing protocols to run smooth like a wind is not just about the plugins itself, but also the internet from the server side. This Hadu is all about: Hadu is a CardSharing Client plugin for DVB softwares on PC using DVB TV-Cards (Windows). It works as a MD plugin, a DVBCore plugin or as a DVBViewer plugin. Currently, it only supports the CCCam protocol (without the AU option). ********************************************************************* *

Palapa D Launch - with trouble

The Chinese have suffered a problem during the launch of the Indonesian Palapa-D communications satellite via a CZ-3B Chang Zheng-3B (CZ3B-12) launch vehicle. The launch took place at the Xi Chang Satellite Launch Center, in Sichuan Province on Monday at 09:28 UTC, but failed to place the spacecraft in the required orbit – due to an issue with the CZ-3B’s third stage. The Palapa-D satellite was scheduled to replace the Palapa-C2 (23864 1996-030A) satellite – which is due to come to the end of its life in 2011 – at 113.0 degrees East. It is unknown at this time if the spacecraft can be saved, though this is unlikely. Latest reports from the Chinese State media – which appeared to undergo a news blackout for several hours after launch – claim the problem is related to a failure of third stage ignition. The new satellite was ordered to Thales Alenia Space in July 2007 and is based on the Spacebus 4000B3 platform – which has a larger capacity than the Palapa-C2. It is equipped with 24 sta

DVB Analyzer from DVB Control

DVBAnalyzer enables powerful monitoring and analyzing of all aspects of DVB/ATSC/ISDB Transport Streams. This can be done from high level summary overviews, down to bit interpretation compliance. By quickly identifying different fields of interests, DVBAnalyzer helps developers, broadcasters, system integrators, and field engineers during maintenance, development and testing of equipment, networks and services. Via easy User Interface interaction, DVBAnalyzer enables you to quickly analyze: • PID structures • Service structures • SI/PSI/PSIP structures • ETR-290 compliance • Timing • Bitrates • Teletext • Subtitling • EPG • Private Data • Object/Data Carousels • GOP structures • PTS-DTS timing • Buffer behaviour • Audio and Loudness behaviour • DVB-H structures Different views can be chosen to get maximum information: • PID Overview • Grid Overview • Graph Overview • Thumb Overview • Table Overview • Descriptor Overview • Media Viewer • PCR Timing Viewer • EPG Viewer • Teletext Viewer

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